

Dental Health

Dental issues and dental related diseases can easily be prevented by visiting our veterinarians regularly for dental examinations and cleanings. We take a comprehensive approach to dental care including dental health assessment, treatment, and prevention.

Dog and cat dental cleanings are very similar to human dental cleanings, except that we are required to use anesthesia to properly and safely examine and clean the teeth. After the cleaning, our veterinarians perform a thorough oral exam and check for signs of disease like gum loss, root exposure, or pockets around the root.

All dental cleanings require a pre-surgical visit (within the last 12 months) and proof of current vaccines prior to scheduling a procedure.

Cat Dental Cleaning Estimate (under 7 Years): $189
Cat Dental Cleaning Estimate (Over 7 Years): $255

Dog Dental Cleaning Estimate (under 7 Years): $240
Dog Dental Cleaning Estimate (Over 7 Years): $291

*These estimate ranges are for routine cleaning only (dental grade 2 or less) and do not include any additional procedures, medications or treatments that may be needed.

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